History of the Salton Sea
Welcome to the History of the Salton Sea page! In this page, our goal is to provide information on the history of the Salton Sea. The Salton Sea has a complex history, extending back millennia, rooted in natural processes and human activities. The links listed below contain reports on the general history of the Salton Sea, as well as more targeted history such as the Native and Indigenous History of the region. Please feel free to click below for more information on the History of the Salton Sea and the Salton Sea Native and Indigenous History.
Chronologic History of the Salton Sea
Read this report to learn a historical perspective of the Salton Sea, a large saltwater lake in Southeastern California, tracing its origins from the ancient Lake Cahuilla to its modern creation resulting from a mishap in diverting Colorado River water in 1905. This report details the environmental challenges the Salton Sea faces today, including diminishing water levels, agricultural runoff, and the associated environmental and health concerns.