Research to Action
Welcome to the Research to Action page! In this page, our goal is to provide information as to how research on the Salton Sea is performed here at the Center for Health Disparities Research at the University of California Riverside School of Medicine. The links listed below contain reports on how we research the health impacts of the Salton Sea dust and the current research progress uncovering the mysteries of the Salton Sea! Please feel free to click below for more information on the Research Progress and Research at HDR@UCR!
Aerosols and Health Effects
Read this report to learn how researchers at HDR@UCR are investigating the impact of the Salton Sea on pulmonary health. By utilizing a large animal exposure chamber to study aerosolized Salton Sea water and dust from the exposed playa, these studies have revealed a distinct inflammatory response in mice, suggesting a possible role in the progression of asthma and emphasize the need for further exploration of the health impacts of the dust in communities surrounding the Salton Sea.